[time keeps on...]
Wow. Has it really almost been a month since I've posted last? Time truly is hoppin' away from me. And can Easter really be just around the corner? I swore to myself that I wouldn't have another whirlwind Easter...but I have to say, things are looking like they are going to plow forward as usual in the Liddiard household...on hyperdrive.
This is exactly why I need super easy, and simultaneously, super cute Easter activities. The boys and I are a fan of these little origami bunny faces. They are a breeze for the littles to make and decorate.
I've created a little tutorial here for you to see how to go about doing these little bunny darlings.

Step 2: fold in half to make a crease
Steps 3, 4 and 5: rotate and fold in half again to make another crease then unfold
Step 6: fold up bottom edge of triangle
Steps 7 and 8: fold up bottom ends to meet the center crease line (to get your bunny ears)
Step 9: fold up bottom tip for your bunny chin
Step 10: turn over, fold under (backward) on the dotted line
Step 11. draw a face you are finished
(dotted lines represent fold lines and softer solid lines represent creased lines)
The boys loved the craft. Little A was very much into all of the folding (if not a little OCD about it) and loved putting on the face. Little O on the other hand, was much more interested in starting an all-out bunny war.

Easy Easter craft? Check.
Happy Boys? Check.
Boys occupied for a few more minutes while mom chugs away at her myriad of tasks? Check.
Overall success? Check.
I have no idea how you made these... I get stuck on step 4. I can't tell where you fold or unfold, the dotted lines verses the light solid lines, how you did step 5...
ReplyDeleteKatie-so sorry. I've since posted step-by-step instructions which should help to clear things up. Let me know if it's still confusing.
oh goodness i've been checking in every day since i found your blog last month. and when i see that you haven't posted i just go right back through all the past ones i've already looked at. you're just that dang cool and inspiring. love your fabulousness lady. you have a forever inspired follower in me.