
[bringing up boys, and...]

So here I am, having a lovely Saturday afternoon painting some dainty little tea party plates.

Jon gets home. Little A: "Dad! Mom made you a plate!". No sooner do I turn around when I see this mischievousness going on.
I see pennants. Apparently my boys see something entirely different. Something along the lines of scary, sharp teeth...

Guess I'll have to do a customized set just for my little monsters.

*addendum: Jon drew the face and put it together initially. When I went to photograph the before and after Little A refused to let me take the eyes and nose off and kept putting them back on...so I caught him in the act. And yes, that is a chocolate smear on his arm.

**If you are wanting to make your own custom plates, I used black Ceramcoat paint (instructions on bottle). The plates I found at a local thrift store (they only had two).


  1. That is really cute. Not to mention, a very stylish, uber-minimalist monster.

  2. i love how kids are SO creative and honest! haha...who would've thought it was a big smiling grizzly mouth!

  3. funny how everybody sees things differently! i like both style.xxx

  4. i love that!!! boys definitely see things differently...
    i always said that i wouldn't let my guys have guns...no play guns at all...one day my oldest was eating a poptart and he had eaten out a corner and was "shooting" his little brother with it...instant gun
    happy monday!
    ps....and i love your pendants plate

  5. too cute!
    your plates are gorgeous!

  6. That is too cute. He has your artistic eye!

  7. Hiee there Mer! You have such a lovely insprirational bubble space. I really love it here. :) Love your post on Deco8's. Your plates are beautiful and cute! Have a lovely merry day and love to you!

  8. Umm.. I want those plates! They are perfect my dear!
    (the little "monster" is adorable too) I love the chocolate smear....so sweet!
