
[daffodils and daring do's...telltale]

when Jon and little A come home from Trader Joe's with daffodils...and I get the itching to do something dramatic with my hair, it's a sure sign of spring.

Is there anything that you find yourself needing to change come spring?

*(I actually have bangs...that I'm still trying to figure out)


  1. Both pics are nice, and you look great with short hair (and in yellow)!

    I give you credit for rocking the bangs - I can never get those right.

  2. I never realised that I like to change my hair in the spring too...but this spring I chopped it all off this spring. From chest length, to pixie-ish.

    Your hair looks great! I haven't tried the head-bands yet, but I think they look awesome!

  3. Super cute I too have a huge desire to chop off the locks!
    I can't seem to get a chance outside yet!
    anyone want to watch my children so I can get a new doo!

  4. K..you are really cool:)! I love your blog. Both of these pictures are awesome.

  5. I totally agree. Spring makes we want to chop, color and create new hair entirely! Something about a new look for a new season...

  6. Spring makes me want to become an entirely new person (at least on the outside)--but I usually talk myself out of anything drastic and stick with new perfume!
