
Kids Gift Guide: For the boys

This week I'm teaming up with good friends, and fellow toy enthusiasts!, Meta, of One More Mushroom and Stephanie, of Simply Radiant, to share with you some fun gift guides. Earlier we shared our girls wish list/gift guide with you, (you can view Meta's here - so adorable! drooling over that dear doll), and today we're sharing what we are dreaming up for our boys (although a number of these items are gender neutral). 

So this knight print - I'm just dying to get it for their room. And I can't even begin to imagine the elaborate things that Little O and A might create with these fun blocks. We are record fanatics around here and I seriously love this player. This logical game is right up A's alley and I'm pretty sure Little O would never leave this teepee (aren't you just crazy about the colors?!). And I can only image the fun that the boys and their papa could have with this. A would be "over the moon" about it I'm sure ;). And are you not dying over this fox scarf? Little O might actually stay warm this winter if he could play with his winter gear.

a. hexagon colored pencils (you can use the entire pencil!)  b. whale grid notebook (we're big fans of grids!)  c. yellow felt lion (i'm a sucker for handmade unique softee's and this one is just the right mix of cute and cool) d. Metroville  e. wooden building slats  f. totem mini mix spider  g. lancelot art print  h. teepee  i. record player  j. fox scarf  k. Spekt-R

You can check out Meta's gift guide for Henrik here (that lumber jack hat just slays me) and Stephanie's for her two boys here (I want a magical crystal growing kit!)! Such great finds ladies!

**and for an update on sweet baby M, well we are still in the hospital (she has RSV) but hope to go home tomorrow as she's doing much much better! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. The fox scarf is so awesome. I'm going to have to look into more of your list. Thanks so much.
