
[my pick...]

I would love to give these classic vellum cards, from Kate's Paperie, to Jon for Father's day. Aren't they just devine? Well...the key word in this "my pick" heading is "my". Jon's pick would be something entirely different...and because it is in fact his day...I think I'll get him that ipod/swimmer headphone/thing-a-ma-jiggy. After all he does bring me baby O when he wakes up crying in the morning and makes little A breakfast almost every morning. I think he deserves it, don't you?


  1. i'm always bad with things like that. i end up buying things for people because i think they're awesome - and i forget to think if they will also think they're awesome.

  2. IT is so hard to shop for men, isn't it? I pretty much have to have E tell me what he wants and then it totally takes away the surprise element.

  3. Handsome stationary indeed... But I can vouch for the swimmer's ipod-thingy, I love mine ;)

  4. Handsome stationary indeed... but i can vouch for the swimmer's ipod thingy, i love mine ;)
