
[join Heart Handmade and Etsy for...]

Hello friends! I Hope you had a pleasantly long weekend (mine has been extra pleasant and long as I'm visiting family - a welcome break from the usual hustle and bustle). I wanted to pop in and tell you how thrilled I am to announce that I will be a part of Marichelle's (of Heart Handmade) Etsy Shop Live event this Thursday (or tomorrow)! I was delighted when I received an email from Marichelle asking me if I'd be interested in listing my custom couples portrait as part of the event. I really love the idea of this whole thing and will most assuredly be glued to the computer for those 30 minutes on Thursday. I have my eye on a few thing already!

For anyone interested I will also be offering an all day sale in my shop on Thursday in honor of the event so be sure to stop by. I hope to stock up the store a bit more before then. You can learn more about the event and other participating artisans on Heart Handmade. Hope you are able to make it!


  1. Hermoso Blog!!! ya soy tu seguidora,,,,desde argentina

  2. How great! I'm really looking forward to this event. =)
