
Oh the temptation...

Of course right when I make a goal to cut down on spending I find my dream rocker via Pottery Barn Kids "Designed by You" baby rockers. They have over 50 fabrics you can choose from-all of them gorgeous. Atticus has given me a test run for what I want in a rocker and I now know that a lot of sleeping (or half sleeping) takes place in the nursery so I want something comfortable yet still attractive. If only PB wasn't so spendy.


  1. I love these they're so pretty. Love and miss you!

  2. I had the same thought. After going without a rocker for Eirik I decided I HAD to have one for the next kid. I looked and looked and couldn't find anything I liked that i could afford, so we ended up buying one that we got home and I just couldn't love it so we took it back and I have been nursing in my bed. Oh well. I can use my desk chair which is quite comfortable later when he's bigger. One day when we are swimming in dough I will have the rocker of my dreams too. :)
