
On Ohdeedoh

The lovely Danielle Thompson, of Thompson Family-Life, interviewed me for Odeedoh's Big Blog Family series. Take a looky-lou here.

Thanks Danielle and Odeedoh!


  1. hi merrilee

    oh my goodness i can't believe how beautiful your sons are!

    i thought i'd mention that i'm having a special giveaway at my blog if you'd like to check it out!

  2. What a great feature on you! Congratulations! I loved reading more about you and how you come about your crafts and art. You look terrific with your boys.
    I have your Beth of Billings Hill in my 6yo's room and occasionally, we take the print down and I start off our before-going-to-bed reading with.. there once was a girl named Beth. And then my daughter has to come up with something.. A great way for us to use our imagination!

  3. Thanks Ladies for you kind words.

    Chantale - that's the best story ever about Beth of Billings! I created it without a complete story idea behind it so your routine is absolutely fabulous.


  4. I love the idea of doing this with kids. I made raindrops like this, but I ended up cutting them out and stringing them beneath pom poms at a party. May it look like "showers" at the baby shower =)

    - Sarah
