
[Christmas GIVEAWAY!!!]

In the spirit of giving this season, I want to give a gift to YOU! I'm offering a personal portrait drawing of you (or someone else of your choosing) as a Christmas giveaway this year. All you have to do is make a comment on this post stating one of your favorite things about Christmas, along with your email address. It's as simple as that. But wait, that's not all... (I've always wanted to say that). If you link to this post telling others of the giveaway you will be entered into a second drawing for an entire family portrait (again this can be of your family or another of your choosing). So if you are asking yourself, "You mean I have the chance to win both a personal portrait AND a family portrait?" then your answer is YES! It's possible you could win both! If you do link to this post on your blog, then please let me know when you comment so that I can enter you into the family portrait drawing as well. You have until December 17th to comment and then this giveaway will close. I will announce the winner on Dec. 18th when I will proceed to contact the winner about getting this started. I will not be able to have the portrait to you before Christmas so if you want to give this as a gift you can give the recipient a gift certificate that I will create for you. The portrait will then be drawn and shipped off to you in the new year. Thanks. I can't wait to hear all your comments!


  1. I would love a portrait for my new room in my new digs--am finally moving out of my new, not-so-fantastic living sitch.

    My favorite thing about Christmas is that I get to go from whatever Christmasy snow-or-rainy weather I live in (Anchorage, Portland) to sunny LA for a week. I don't mind not having a white Christmas when I come back with a tan!

  2. Thanks for offering such a cool giveaway. I've linked it to my blog as well: http://mooncakefactory.blogspot.com

    Ever since some of my extended family moved closer to my parents, my favorite part of Christmas has been just spending time with them.

  3. Oh this is so exciting! I absolutely love your work and it would be so cool to have a personalized portrait. One of my favorite things about Christmas is cheesy Christmas music. I play it 24/7 the month of December because it just makes me smile. I will go post on my blog about your contest too.

  4. I can't believe it. I'm so excited.

    I totally linked.

  5. Oh my oh my! This is a fabulous giveaway! I reeeeally admire your illustrations and portraits, what a great opportunity!

    My favorite thing about Christmas is the whole package really, imagine baking all day, while the snow is falling outside, then retiring to lattes and gift wrapping in the family room by the light of the Christmas tree... now if that doesn't sound nostalgic I don't know what does. :P

    I've linked the giveaway to my blog! createloves.blogspot.com


  6. My new favourite Christmas thing is glogg! So yummy!


  7. how FUN! okay...what I love about Christmas is the joy on my kids faces as they walk into the livingroom chrsitmas day and the quiet playing that goes on all day with no fighting and I love that all our family is together and am always so thankful for our health and home. Christmas is a time when I love remembering what it is all about and we all just stop to love and celebrate the birth of Jesus. It is such a magical day! Cheers

  8. OooooH! Such a fantastic giveaway!

    My favorite thing about Christmas is having an excuse to make and give away lots of homemade goodies :)

  9. oh yay! i love your portraits!!! i saw this on hollysarahs blog - and i couldn't pass it up.. am posting on mine too!

    my fave thing about christmas is, well, all of it. baking, eating, nativity, presents, HOME ALONE!!!, charlie brown, the tree!! and all the beautiful decorations and lights! yay!



  10. I bet my sister would like a portrait of herself so I'll do this to up her chances a little. I see she already posted a comment actually.

    My favorite thing about Christmas is the food! We get to gorge and eat lots of dessert!

  11. wow! i would love, love to win this. i've always been a fan. and of course i will link because i've been dreaming of my family done in your style. thank you thank you for the opportunity!

  12. Christmas in the Angleberger family is celebrated by frying oysters. My 90-year-old grandmother does the frying and apparently it's been her thing for about 90 Christmases or so. An important part of the tradition is great consternation about the price of oysters. Yet, there's no question that they will be had no matter what price.

    I never paid attention when I was a kid, because I thought I would hate them. But I am a true Angleberger it turns out and will eat merrily and heartily.

    -Tom A./Sam.R

  13. ok. you know i would LOVE this. your work makes me smile. so having one of my family would make me smile even more!

    there are so many things to love about christmas. but one of my all time favorite things is waking up to my mom's fried scones christmas morning!

    oh, and you are linked on my www.bitofbliss.blogspot.com.

  14. oh. and my email is heathermannphotography@gmail.com. i forgot to post that. oops.

  15. oh my gooooooooodnesss! I just found you thru my friend Holly's blog...and i am incredibly inspired by your illustrations!! yeeeek! they're wonderfull!

    My favorite thing about christmas is the way i feel all thru December... i feel so excited to make things, share things, craft, draw, hug people :]

    I'm going to post about your draw on my blog this weekend, FreckledNest.com :)


  16. I just love the festivities, spending time with family and the holiday spirit... i wish people would inject some of that spirit into the rest of the year...maybe the world would be a better place!

    happy holidays!!!

  17. neato!

    One of my favorite things is wrapping up my baked goods in pretty ribbon and adding whatever other creative, festive things I come up with. Tis very high on the favorites list.


  18. I love Christmas spirit....lights/tree/happiness/all of it!

    I just posted a link on my blog

    I would LOVE to win a family portrait!

  19. my favorite thing about christmas is breaking family traditions. i used to be stuck with everything having to be done the same way every year but now that i'm married and live 3,000 miles away from my parents/siblings my husband and i have started the vegan waffle/christmas movie marathon tradition!

  20. Here's my link:

  21. This year I love that we're getting a real tree.

    I also love that my 5 yr. old daughter has watched Home Alone a dozen times this month, and is now crushing on Macaully Culkin, just as I did when I was a little girl. Awww. Love that.

    *Thanks for hosting such a generous giveaway. I linked to your post on my blog, here...http://lindsaybrackeen.blogspot.com/2008/12/great-giveaway-at-mer-mag.html

  22. My favorite thing about Christmas is the delicious smells of the season. I love the smell of warm cookies baking in the oven and cinnamon candles burning. Even newly settled snow and the steaming tea that I drink makes me love Christmastime. Everything smells so cozy and good, and reminds me of home and my family and love.

  23. oh your art is LOVELY. I love it SO much.
    One of my favorite things about Christmas is the magic surrounding little kids. They're so happy and giddy and their eyes are wide with amazement and Its awesome to be part of the magic. Mmmm i love Christmas!

    P.s. I totally blogged about this! :]

  24. WOW what an awesome give away-----If I don't win, I'd totally love to order one!!!!!!!!!!!! But winning is more fun (and free-er)

    What do I love about Christmas --FUDGE!! and yes , it is true, I LOVE THE CHRISTMAS FRUIT CAKE

  25. WOW what a great give away. I WANT IT ------if I don't win it, can I order it. But winning is more fun (and free-er)
    My favorite thing about Christmas is FUDGE and yes, it is true CHRISTMAS FRUIT CAKE.

  26. OH WOW - I wanna win. If I don't win, can I order it --------but winning is more fun (and free-er) What I love about Christmas ---FUDGE AND YES, CHRISTMAS FRUIT CAKE.

  27. What an awesome treat! I love your portraits, this is very cool of you!

  28. I love our Gingerbread house tradition. The kids have a ball creating that masterpiece! I even blogged about it, where I will post a link to this contest for my extra entry :)

  29. Amazing! I linked.
    And my favorite thing about Christmas is decorating. The house is so bare when it's all over.

  30. Amazing! I linked.
    And my favorite thing is decorating for Christmas and Christmas music. It's so sad when it's all over.

  31. Oh, this is great! I love this stuff!

  32. I saw Heather's link to your blog, and thought "Shaun always rave about your artwork, how cool would it be to get a protrait for him!" So you are linked and ready to go on my blog www.shaunandlizelton.blogspot

    Favorite thing about Christmas: Shaun not having to work and being home for the next two weeks.

  33. Sorry, forgot like Heather to give you my email: elton_liz@yahoo.com

  34. I would love to win a portrait of my little one! You're art is beautiful. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.
    My favorite thing about Christmas are all the traditions, like making sugar cookies for the neighbors, decorating the day after thanksgiving, acting out the story of Christ, and looking at Christmas lights in the area.


  35. Wow. This is such a cool giveaway. I found you through Holly's blog and I have posted a link to you on my blog too.

    I am an instant fan of your work. Love it.

  36. All righty! I'm in! I linked and my favorite thing about Christmas right now is all the giving and sharing. So thanks.
    But really it's the cookies. And getting Christmas cards from people I don't hear from any other time of the year.

  37. oh may be a portrait i could use for my blog....
    I will definitely spread the word with a link to this great gift!

    My favorite Christmas part is playing with my sisters!

  38. What a wonderful giveaway!

    To be honest the thing I love most about Christmas is the anticipation. I love the build up of waiting to open gifts that loved ones think I would like and appreciate. And more importantly I love the few minutes before family and friends open the gifts that I have given them. To see the look of surprise or thanks means the world to me. It is always the simple things that I love the most.

  39. I love these drawings! Please count me in. my email is flashingyellowlights (at) gmail (dot) com

    I will post another comment when I do a link.

  40. I love the giving spirit of the holidays-people willing to help others and help those less fortunate. Sure it is nice to receive, but the holidays really bring out the sense of giving as well. Plus the great food and the family all together celebrating special times is always fun. thanks for having this giveaway!

  41. I love Christmas for all the great memories it has blessed me with. But this year is Extra Special! I have a Beautiful Baby Girl (that took me 9 years to coneive) and i can't wait for her to see and experiance the magic of christmas and all the family greatness! That is what i will love from now on...seeing her enjoy christmas. I know you want an email address for your drawing but i hate posting that for all the world to see. Happy Holidays!!!!

  42. I would adore a self-portrait as a Christmas present for myself! Here's hoping I win!

    My favorite thing about Christmas is watching Christmas movies- some particular favs are White Christmas, Holiday Inn, Home Alone, Love Actually, The Family Stone & The Santa Clause.

  43. i love the jammies on christmas eve. favorite.
    i LOVE your work. love love love.

  44. I would love a portrait!!!
    My favorite thing about Christmas is all of the family activities...like dinners, parties, and decorating the house. I also LOVE listening to Christmas music!

  45. First off, you have such an unique talent that I envy. I look your work.

    I would personally be most excited about the family portrait due to the fact my family has gotten a family portrait since I was born which is about 21 years ago. This would be a great gift to my parents and I know they would treasure it. Thanks for offering such an awesome giveaway and happy holidays. :]

  46. Oh Merilee! What an awesome giveaway. Ever since I met you and saw your artwork displayed at Dizzy's diner I have wanted to have a family portrait done by you. I hope I win!!

    My favorite thing about Christmas is seeing the excitement on my childrens faces. Oh and eating ebelskievers for christmas breakfast. Yum!

    I'm linked: http://ncwoodys.blogspot.com/2008/12/mermag.html

  47. I would LOVE love LOVE to win this!! I have linked you to my blog. Oh, PICK ME!

    Oh yes... and my favorite thing about Christmas. How could I pick one? Let me name a few... I love the food, the sweets. I love the Christmas tree and lights. I love choosing and buying gifts for my family. Those are a few of my favorite things...

  48. you are linked via my web site:


    What I like most about Christmas is being able to make new traditions with my family here in Knoxville. My extended family lives in Louisiana, and it's not always easy for us to get there. This has inspired me to do creative things for my son that I may not have done if we had to travel. His excitement about the felt advent calendar I made him fills me with the christmas spirit everyday! Being able to collect things from our yard like pine cones, acorns and nuts to make a special wreath for our family makes the season so much more memorable and spectacular. And of course, baking cookies with my 3 year old is always memorable ;)

  49. I love unique and great artwork, very ccol.

    My Favorite part about Christmas has changed over the years , but the last few is watching the joy of Christmas through my kids eyes. You know everything is so magical and waiting for the Big man to come down the chimney and Rudolph waiting on the rooftop, the amazement in their eyes is all you need!

    I posted on my blog!!!

  50. mer, sigh. of course i would love this. if i don't win (my chances look slimmer every day!), SOMEDAY i will commission you!

    my favorite thing about christmas is the way it makes me feel!

  51. I have been following your blog for some time now! And I am thrilled you are doing a giveaway! My favorite part of Christmas is being sneaky and giving presents to people! I would love to get a portrait of my son, curly hair and all! You have such wonderful talent!! Thanks for the chance to win! I will definitely link you!

  52. Merilee,
    I would love a portrait by you! What a wonderfully generous thing to offer.

    My favorite thing about Christmas is that my brother comes home from Seattle. And I love making crafty Christmas gifts.

    I'm updating my site later today (www.stephanie-watson.com) and will link to your giveaway page. Will you enter me in the family drawing, pretty please?


  53. These are so awesome. I want one, for me! lol

    I have also linked you on my site www.3xlove3xtrouble.blogspot.com
    for the protrait.

    Pick me.

  54. Beautiful work. Beautiful blog.

    Thank you for your generosity in this offer.

    One of favorite things about Christmas is that it comes every year, marking a season and another page in our lives. For some people it is a religious holiday full of expectation and hope. For others it is a time of family, food and rejoicing. Regardless there is something about the Christmas season that unites us all as we anticipate the time of celebration. That feeling of connectedness is my favorite thing.

  55. The best part of the whole winter is that one Sunday night after everyone in town has spent the whole weekend decorating their homes and trees. Through every curtain, trees and gold and white lights on every house as the winter dark comes early.

    Beautiful blog! (Linked to from Cass Barney's blog.)

  56. Hi merrilee,

    now i understand what you mean by being swarmed with work this season. i think this is really the biggest and most generous giveaway i've seen this year. i hope you have as much fun doing it then the excitement that you have spurred us on already!

    the one thing i will always love about christmas is that everyone celebrates it! there's always this unspoken warmth when christmas is coming, when christmas is here and when christmas has pass! that's christmas! (:

    May you have a Blessed Christmas!
    + i've linked your giveaway as a bonus entry!

  57. your portrait drawings are fabulous. it would be very exciting to be the lucky girl who wins!

    it is extremely difficult to pick one favorite thing about christmas. i love christmas. but right at the tip top of my favorite things about christmas list would be the faces of my two young sons when they creep down the stairs on christmas morning. they are always so ecstatic to peer around the corner and see what santa left for them. i love their wild bed heads and new pajamas (a christmas eve tradition) as they leap into the room. it is heavenly to me.

  58. oops! i forgot to tell you that i have linked to your post at my own blog. happy, happy, joy, joy!

  59. oh my! what a lovely offer. i have linked you to my blog www.herbanhomestead.blogspot.com

    my favorite thing about christmas: my kiddos dressed in their matching jammies all starry eyed and beautiful.

  60. What a treat! how very generous of you! I found my way here throught Kelly Snelling's blog.

    I have to say my new fave thing about christmas is watching my kid get so into it! She danced around the christmas tree, waving her hands in the air with her eyes sparkling and singing carols at the top of her lungs... pure joy! I was transformed in that moment, as it was enough love and wild delight to last a lifetime.

    oh and i love the tamales too... can't forget those!

    if i had a blog, i'd shout from the rooftops of the internet about your giveaway but i don't yet.

    many thanx and merry holidays to you!

  61. oh how beautiful!

    my favorite thing about christmas is all the "making" - the ornaments, the gifts, the cookies, the special wrappings... all the love and creativity that goes into making Christmas happen.

  62. i love my family all being together. that's by far the best part of the holiday season! jjeller612@aol.com

  63. This is such a cool give away, I really like your illustration style! Let's see... my favorite thing about Christmas... It doesn't matter what your age is, it's a great reason to feel like a kid again. Everything about Christmas - the joy in the air, the snow on the ground, and the carols... all make you feel like a kid again no matter your age!

  64. My favorite thing about Christmas is the magical feeling of this time of year. I am 32 and still feel it! It's a time to celebrate my personal spiritual beliefs, but also witness kindness and miracles that still exist, even though the world is sometimes not so magical.

    Tracy French

  65. What a fabulous thing to do! I found your blog through Kelly Snelling and am so glad I did, you're work is beautiful and different.

    Favorite thing about Christmas. Well let's see, I abhor shopping, travel is something else I avoid if possible. Other than the obvious (spending time with loved ones), I'd have to say the music. I love Christmas music in December (not in November though!).

  66. nice give away. you are very talented. My fav. thing about Christmas is the feeling of anticipation. It still makes me giddy and excited!

    maegenjenne at gmail dot com

  67. My favorite part of Christmas is the snow. Unfortunatelly, I live in a state does not see a lot of snow at all:). My e-mail is kkdziewanska@ualr.edu

  68. Very nice giveaway!! My favorite thing about Christmas is spending time with the family - we have our own little family christmas party on Christmas eve where we wear our new pjs, play a new family game and just eat lots of yummies and have fun together!

  69. I would love a portrait of my son. My favorite thing about Christmas is how everyone is so nice during the season, just random people say things like Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and I love it!
    byubabe14 at yahoo dot com

  70. I love your work! I'm a portrait artist, too, but I wish I had your flair. This very generous of you.

    My favorite thing is to drive around the neighborhood with friends at night and take in the light displays. It's especially beautiful when some of them are blanked with snow and all the softly glowing colors show through. I treasure the sight.

  71. As i´m getting older often i hear that Christmas is for children, amongst people my age.So, the best thing in Chistmas for me is the anual possibility of feeling like a child again, it´s the best way to face this consuming season...the joy of preparing Christmas night, without any effords, without lasyness, the joy of giving just for the sake of it...having all your loved ones together once a year...reminding me the child i still have in me.

    from Portugal

  72. My favorite thing about christmas is that everyone stops thinking about themselfs for a moment, to think about the other. Love becomes more important this hollyday than in the rest of the year, and it just make it more beautifull.

    (forgive my english!!)

  73. My favourite thing about Christmas would be that after all of these years my parents still insist on hanging the awful christmas ornaments that we made as kids. We always groan when they come out, but knowing that my parents care so much about them and not about making their tree trendy means so much.


  74. I'm completely in awe of all your work! What a wonderful Christmas gift/candy :) Thanx

  75. Brilliant! Your illustrations are so intriguing! I would be honored to have one!

    This Christmas is particularly special, because the holidays signify the end of my first pregnancy and the arrival of our little daughter, Tova. I can't wait to meet her!


  76. I would love a little portrait of myself. You are so talented and this is a very generous giveaway!

  77. My favorite thing about christmas is the smell of cinnamon and the fresh cut christmas tree, nothing reminds me more of childhood and christmas than that..

    (ekroit @ gmx.de )

  78. I am really looking for some unique things to decorate with and this would be so fantastic.
    My favorite thing about christmas is getting to spend a day with family, eat, drink and appreciate everyone. I love to give and I love watching my loved ones open little treasures.

  79. My favorite this is getting to hang around with my family, because they live way too far away from me for the rest of the year! Oh, and the cookies :)

  80. Your work is great! My favorite thing about Christmas is spending time with family and friends who come to town from far away. Oh, and the great food!

  81. Oh wow! Your work is so beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for this chance to win!

    Here's where I linked you up on my blog:


    My favorite this about Christmas - wrapping paper. I know, I'm strange.

    Happy Holidays!
    Mandy Johnson

  82. am i too late? a christmas fave?
    hanging christmas lights! it makes any room feel nice and cozy, even when its not cozy!

  83. This year, my favorite thing is not having school for a few weeks :-P

    PS these sketches are awesome and I would LOVE to win one!

  84. Also, I posted this on my blog here: http://my3lilmonkeys.blogspot.com/2008/12/portrait-of-me.html

  85. How cool!

    My favorite thing about Christmas is the snowflake bells in NYC. On the building of Saks Fifth Avenue they have these snowflakes that go off and blink to the music of a classical Christmas song that sound like church bells to me. And for some reason it always gets me in the Xmas spirit.

  86. Your work is awesome! I'm completely in awe.

    I posted the link to my blog at http://www.xanga.com/toshisushi

    My favorite thing about Christmas is the smells that come with decorating the house. The mixture of the scent of a Douglas Fir, the old, musty family stockings and ornaments, and gingerbread cookies trigger memories of when I opened my presents on Christmas Day when I was little.

  87. My favorite part of Christmas is baking cookies!

  88. Oh my... just found you through Freckled Nest. I love your work! Enter me, please! I'll link to you this week, so enter me into the family deal too, please.

    My favorite part about Christmas is the music. Well, one of my favorites, that is. Just found the Barry Manilow Christmas cd (yes, go ahead and giggle... he does rock!)

    Check out my blog on Wednesday for a link: www.cityfarmgirl.blogspot.com

  89. Christmas.

    I love everything there is about Christmas. I don't even mind the lines of people or cars or where to park. I'm not an early shopper or maker. All is done at the last minute. I think I am a last minute high junkie! I love the cards and I address all 80 of them myself! I love choosing between the Madonna and Child or the Nutcracker? for my stamps. I love the hot wassil, hot cocoa, sugar cookies, pumpkin cranberry bread, sweet rolls, angel food candy and some good salami with crackers and cheese. I love the holiday tunes! I love the smell of fresh cut pine throughout my house. I am even crazy for liking the fact that I need to water the tree every evening before bed. I like to wrap the presents and see them appear upon the tree skirt. I like to stare and admire the tree. With the lights on and with them off, in the day time that is. I love to go caroling and deliver sweet treats to my friends and neighbors. I love, love Christmas lights on peoples houses. I wait allll year to drive around and ooooohh and aaaaahh over what I see in their yards. I have my serious favorites. I like to watch Scrooge, the musical one with Albert Finney. I am also crazy for The Bishop's Wife, Miracle on 34th Street, White Christmas, Elf and the Polar Express.

    The very best thing about Christmas, hands down, is being able to experience the pure magic, glory and happiness of the season anew through the eyes of my young son Hugo. It's magic I tell you. Pure Magic.

    And I totally need to post a link to you because I think your artwork is magic. In not keeping with the spirit of the season - I covet!

    Merry, Merry Christmas!

    P.S. - Let yourself off the hook this year if you aren't feeling so jolly. You just birthed a beautiful and healthy son and are allowed time to be sleepy and slow.

  90. Christmas to me is family and the delight to have them all around me!

    your art is a delight!

  91. oh I just could not help myself I really would love to win the family portrait! so I just linked you at my blog!


  92. My favorite thing about Christmas is the creamy rice pudding my family eats the morning of. It's delicious and delectable.

  93. WOW, those are quite some breath taking portraits. I love your style!!!

    Lets see, I think the best part of Christmas is really the memories. We always think and talk about them this time of year. Its fun to remember little things like when you first woke up on Christmas morning and found a present you really wanted as a child. Also all of the traditions, I look forward to our Christmas breakfast, our get togethers. All of that mushy, fun stuff!!!!

  94. What a fabulous giveaway! And I am delighted to have found your blog!

    My favorite thing about Christmas is celebrating the birth of Jesus and creating new traditions with my family. But, it wouldn't be Christmas without Charlie Brown, George Bailey or white chocolate mochas ;).

    I've put a link on my blog - stephcease.blogspot.com

    Thanks so much!

  95. the usual stuff...family, food, music, gifts...

  96. Your drawings are so cool!

    Here is where I posted your link: http://thoughtsflowdown.blogspot.com/

    My favorite thing about Christmas is spending time together with my family and watching old family videos from when I was really small!

  97. I forgot my email: maryboberry87@yahoo.com

  98. i totally didn't follow directions. can you tell that i'm due in two days.

    Anyway, Christmas, oh so many things to love. we have a selection of christmas books that we only pull out this time of year. i love LOVE love sitting by the light of the tree right before bed and reading to the kids. there is just something magical about the lights of the christmas tree. also, i love egg nog. and frosting gingerbread men. and most of all that my three year old is finally starting to remember parts of the Christmas Story. my e-mail is coatneyfam@yahoo.com. Let me know if you need an invite to my blog to see the link. Thanks Merilee!

  99. What a fabulous,generous giveaway! THank you. I love Christmas music, Christmas smells, and most of all the plain ol' joy of the reason for Christmas and family all together. I have linked to your site, because the possibility of a family portrait would certainly be a rare treat.

    Merry Christmas!

  100. First, I love your style.
    I love Christmas lights, ornaments,caroles, food, family friends and the crazy rush sewing last minute gifts! And through all of this it is a time to truely reflect upon the birth of my Lord.
    Have a very Merry Christmas,
    (your linked)

  101. Hi Merrilee! I saw this on Daryllyn's blog and I'm in!

    My favorite thing about Christmas is EVERYTHING! I even love the mess, the overplanning, and the stress. I like making a fuss about Christmas and experiencing the season to life's fullest!

    I'm putting a link on my blog for you! And, my email address is:


  102. I would looove to win a portrait or two made by you!! I've linked the giveaway to the left column of my blog.

    Apart from spending time with my family my favorite thing about Christmas is singing. In church with the choir, at Christmas parties with my band or just at home with my friends. I just love the harmonies of the old carols!

  103. Your illustrations are wonderful. Have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.

  104. My favorite thing about Christmas? (Great question, by the way.) My favorite thing about Christmas this year is that I'm sitting in a dark, lonely hospital room with my three-month old daughter. And do you know what happens in big, huge, fancy children's hospitals at Christmas? People come by the droves to sing and visit and spead general cheer--making this cold, lonely room bright and happy. We've seen hockey teams and school classes. We've seen grandpas dressed up as Santa Claus and blind people with service dogs. So, my favorite thing about Christmas this year is that it has reminded me, so powerfully, how *good* people are, and how much good we can do if we just take the time. schternli@msn.com and OF COURSE I'm putting your link on my blog, because your work is fantastic. www.thelittleauthorthatcould.blogspot.com

  105. One of my favorite things about Christmas is the decorations, especially the lights!!

  106. My favorite thing about Christmas is singing Christmas carols in church. If it was up to me, we'd sing them all year round! (Yes, I am one of those people... ;))

  107. How absolutely LOVELY of you to host this give-away! Christmas means memories to me...the remembering of things past and the making of those to remember. As well, Nativity scenes, there are several of those scattered around the farm house and not a tree in sight...at least inside. Please, enter me in both drawings...I live apart from my family. I'll link with you too.
    Many thanks for hosting this giveaway, God's blessings on you, yours and the work of your hands and heart.

  108. I found you by ways of Running with Scissors blog... and got in under the wire I might say!

    What a JOY to find your blog to, it's always been a WISH to have a portrait drawn of myself (is that selfish?). Merry Christmas to you too!

    What is my fave part of the holiday season... I've got to say.. making cookies to give out at this time of the year to folks I know and those I don't.

    ~me :)
    mlmagness at aol dot com

  109. Hey Merilee! I don't know if you'll remember me very well, but I was in the Park Slope ward with you guys for a while. I have always loved your work, so unique! You're all linked up on my blog. http://andi-thelittlethings.blogspot.com & my email is andi_rawlins@yahoo.com. I'm crossing my fingers!

    My favorite part of Christmas.... hmm. Either getting to see my family, or hanging out at nights with all of the lights off except for the Christmas tree.

  110. Your work is super awesome!

    My favorite part about Christmas is going over to my Grandma's on Christmas day for dinner. She is the sweetest lady in the whole world. We've been doing it my whole life.


  111. What a great idea! Yay! My favorite thing about Christmas is having a few days off of school and work to just spend time with family.

    Ashley Reynolds

  112. Your work is super awesome!

    My favorite Christmas tradition is going to my Grandma's on Christmas Day for dinner. She is the sweetest lady in the whole world. We've been doing it my whole life : )


  113. This is by far the greatest offer I have seen for the holiday. Thanks for being in the giving spirit.
    My favorite thing about the holiday besides family, Is on Christmas Eve all of my family piles in to the van and we tour the city looking at Christmas lights and sing Christmas songs. It's so much Fun!!! Here's wishing you a happy holiday!

  114. Your work is super awesome!

    My favorite Christmas tradition is going to my Grandma's on Christmas Day for dinner. She is the sweetest lady in the whole world. We've been doing it my whole life : )


  115. I would love a portrait of myself and/or of my family!

    My favorite thing about Christmas is being able to spend it with family that I only get to see once or twice a year! Take this year for example. My husband and I are flying to northern California to spend Christmas with my grandparents. I haven't spent Christmas with them in over 16 years! And Mike never has! We are very excited!


  116. I linked on my blog to yours:

    One of my most favorite things about Christmas is the simultaneous joy of staying in OR going out! Both are equally fun at Christmastime! :) Cozy and comfortable at home, Fun and festive out! Love it! :)

  117. My favorite thing about Christmas is making goodies with my family - and we always make too much!

    I would love one of these awesome portrait...thanks for the chance to win one!

  118. My favorite thing about Christmas is making traditional goodies with my family - we always make too much and buckeyes are my fave!

    I would love one of your awesome portraits - thanks for the chance to win!

  119. I posted a link on my blog.

    I love tons of things about Christmas, baby Jesus, my childrens face when opening presents, eggnog, wrapping paper, steak, family, everyone sitting in the living room, and family dinners.

  120. What a great give-away!! I have been a follower of your art for some time!!
    My favorite thing about Christmas is the time spent with family and friends. It seems as though everyone gets a little more sentimental during this year of year and gets a little more thoughtful.
    Oh, and of course, winning this giveaway would be Christmas in itself!!!
    I'm linking you on my blogspot...

  121. This is AWESOME!

    My Favorite thing about Christmas is telling my kids that they are not going to be getting to much this year...Then I get to see how happy they are to see the things that they really wanted!!! I love surprising my Children...it's to much fun!

    Oh yea...here is my E mail address...
    I will also put a link to yours from mine :)

  122. Thank you for the unique giveaway!
    My favorite thing about Christmas is the look on the children's faces when they see the lit up Christmas tree.

  123. Wow! What a cool giveaway!!! I do hope I win!!!
    I've linked to your blog and gave the date of the entry on my blog but couldn't figure out how to make a link directly to the particular entry work (operator error, I'm sure!)...hope that's good enough to be in the running for the family portrait! My email is hammgood at yahoo dot com, should you need to reach me. Hope to hear from you sOOn!!

    Thanks & merry, merry!!

  124. Oh, and I forgot my favorite thing!!!!!!!

    It's tooling around in the station wagon with my sweetie pie and our midgets, looking at all the Christmas lights. There's one neighborhood that is so absolutely fabulous that it is on the must see list every year!


  125. wonderful twinkling white christmas lights. and eating with my family. there is nothing better!

  126. please count me in and i'm linking you on my blog asap...thanks calico for linking this so i could find it!

  127. Beautiful. I would love to have you do a portrait of my husband. His tall thin stature would look pretty cool in your style. I'll have to figure out if you can be commissioned in case I don't win.

    My favorite part of Christmas is the giving. I love trying to give special surprises and Christmas classics to friends, neighbors, and family.

    I'm posting about this on my blog as well.

    THANKS! and Merry Christmas!

  128. It's a wonderful thing you are doing. Christmas for me, I try to think about the reason for the season. Christ and his birth and what his life was like. I try to do for others instead of worrying about gifts and whose feelings will be hurt.

  129. wow! what a wonderful giveaway! (blame it on Terisa @ Running with Scissors that you have ANOTHER name to toss into the hat).

    one of my favorite things about Christmas is watching my daughter MAKE the gifts she gives. *sigh*

    fingers crossed. :)

  130. count the not so desperate housewife's husgand in too :)

  131. this is awesome! my favorite thing about christmas is the music. it is the thing that helps me anticipate christmas.

  132. My favorite thing about Christmas are the smells (mulled apple cider ... mmmm).

    B.T.W. Your drawings are amazing!

  133. one of my favorite things about Christmas is being able to get together with my family! it is always such a fun quality time that i look forward to, as we reflect on our Lord's birth! i also love all the cozy-ness that comes along with Christmas.

    oh, and I posted a link to the giveaway in my weekly "link love" (12/17) at:


    great giveaway, i love your illustration!


  134. I am so not in the Christmas spirit yet. I guess I need to figure out my favorite things and get in the groove before it's over. A win sure would be a help in changing my mood!

  135. I love that the world just FEELS more peaceful this time of year. Your portraits are the bomb digg. kimsueellen[at]hotmail[dot]com

  136. Yee-haw! I would TREASURE a portrait by you:-) It's all hooked up to my blog (I wish I'd done it sooner though).

    One of my favorite things about Christmas is that the entire population (in general) seems to be much kinder and more willing to help others (much more like the one who's birth we're celebrating). There really is a feeling of "good will" in the air...I love that!

  137. I'd love to enter this very cool giveaway! My fave thing about Christmas is the food! I of course also enjoy catching up with family & friends over the Christmas period. While eating yummy food!

  138. Hope it's not to late to enter the drawing. My name is Leslie Pearson and I love your work.

  139. This is a great giveaway. You are really talented.

    My favorite thing about Christmas is sharing time with family especially now that we have a new addition this year, our baby girl.

    My e-mail is jennifersenter@yahoo.com

  140. I would love a family portrait drawn by you! I am glad I went to soemones blog and found the link to you today. I hope I am not too late.

    My favorite thing about Christmas is sharing the time with family. We all have a tradition of getting together and sharing gifts with each other. We also love to spend time and take lots of pictures. We love to be crazy in them and laugh about them later. I always have a hard time finding something I really want for Christmas when someone asks me. All I really want is to just be with ALL my family (extended and all) and then take lots of pictures to remember the memories. Actually that is all I have asked for this year.



  141. This year my son will be 18 months at Christmas so it will be beautiful to spend this time with him and his little cousins and enjoy him as he uncovers new delights and plays with new toys. I am jewish myself and did not really have many Christmas days gowing up but my other half's family is very much into christmas and I do enjoy seeing the red and white decorations and having lovely food and a southern continent hot Christmas. I think I would definitely enjoy Christmas more if it was cold and snowy like in the northern hemisphere! So the best things about Christmas here in Australia is family, food, fun, love, giving, the beach, and a merry old time had by all!

  142. My Fav thing about Christmas is family. No matter how many kids are home for the holidays it is always a special time. Another favorite thing is my family's tradition of "giving gifts to christ" We write poetry, songs, etc and before opening presents on christmas morning we have a devotional where we all share our gifts that we've been working on. It really reminds one of the real reason we are celebrating.


    my email is

    I've posted this to my blog (http://embyrflame.blogspot.com/) and facebook

  143. I love all the gatherings with my extended family and shopping for gifts! :)

  144. Favorite thing about Christmas is probably great food! Ha...I also love love love listening to Christmas music!

    I think the portrait is so great!

  145. One of my most favorite things about Christmas is that when I do something nice for someone, they don't question my motive.

  146. My sister had this link on her blog.This is so amazing! I'm putting it on my blog too.

    My Favorite thing about christmas is spending time with my family, and the excitement and energy that everyone feels.


  147. Two of my sisters have this posted on their blogs. I'll post it on mine too. I have always (since I saw it) loved your work.

    My favorite thing about Christmas is the feeling. Everyone is happy and smiling and excited. It is fun to go to the store around Christmas just to see the change in people. I love how pretty everything is too... all the lights and decorations are great. I also love the music, but I listen to it all year.

  148. Two of my sisters have posted this on their blogs. I'll post it on mine too.

    I love a lot of things about Christmas. I love the pretty lights and decorations, being with family, and being able to listen to Christmas music without being laughed at. I also really love how happy and cheerful everyone is. I love going to the store this time of year because you can just feel the change in people.


  149. I just love your illustrations, and am so excited that I set up a blogger id. I am a huge fan of your website, and race to it with anticipation every morning to see if you have posted anything new. You have actually featured two of my very talented sisters. Julie Blackmons photograpy, and Rosie Winsteads childrens books, and her home.

    Anyway, my favorite time of Christmas is getting together with all of my 8 sibiling and all their kids to do our annual reading of The Little Match Girl. Every year since I can remember I watched my mom read it with such feeling through her cheap reading glasses she bought at the drug store and seeing the candlelight flicker inside the rims. Everytime she got to the end of the story, where the little girl strikes the last match she would cry. I never could understood that feeling that overcame her, but now that no Christmas has ever quite been the same without her ( she passed away 9 years ago ) and me being a mom myself that I fully comprehend and grasp it all. How lucky we all are to have each other as a family, and now I am so happy to have my little girl look at me prehaps the same way I looked at my mom. I love it!

  150. I would love a portrait of my dog Gravity, as opposed to one of myself. Tuesday, at 4:30 am, my little girl woke us up with a seizure. She was on her side, and her legs were paddling like she was running. She was breathing hard, and foaming at the mouth. I don't know what I'd do if I lost her this holiday season. Gravity the beagle is 6 years old.

    My favorite thing about the past few Christmases is throwing little snowballs(when there's been snow), and watching my beagle run after them, and chomping on them. Its also been fun watching her unwrap her own presents.

  151. My 11 year old daughter found your blog. She is our inspiring artist. Hand her a pencil and it is as good as gone! I find pencils stubs everywhere. I'd love to see her beautiful face drawn by YOU!!!
    I will link our blog to yours! THANKS for the chance to win!
    We drive over a mountain pass every
    Christmas and our fun stop is a reptile museum. It is full of scaly, armored critters. My kiddos love it! http://tadpole3.blogspot.com/

  152. My favorite thing about Christmas growing up was helping my mom decorate the house for Christmas. I loved listening to her Andy Williams Christmas album and decorating the whole house. I also loved eating the Christmas cookies my grandma sent. Now, I enjoy just having the opportunity to visit family since we don't get to see our family often and I still like eating those Christmas cookies, though my mom makes them now because my Grandma is no longer with us.

    I hope you're enjoying California and good luck drawing all these portraits!

  153. My favorite thing about Christmas is how people seem to be more open to each other and cheerful during the season (except on crazy shopping days). : )

  154. Pretty cool idea..my favorite thing about Christmas is my twin daughter's and I read a special story out loud each year....my daughter Reme reads and her twin Whitney and I listen raptly. Sometimes we laugh, cry or just feel amazed at the stories...we then write a note in the book to say how we felt about the story. I want to do the same with my beautiful grandchildren!


    ps my daughter in law Suzy gave me your blog, will add to mine as well.
    my blog is www.bohlinsandperrys@blogspot.com

  155. Hey, that sounds awesome! My e-mail is lemonfam@gmail.com. I'll post it on my blog too. It is private, but you can check it with Carianne V. Thanks for giving. p.s. my name is Melissa

  156. This is amazing!!! My favorite thing(s) about christmas are the traditions. We wake up early, open presents and then the whole family comes over for eggs benedict. There's something magical about traditions. erinmck12@aol.com
